FAQ & More


Our office companion will happily meet you at the door when you enter. He may announce your arrival, say a Hello to Bruce. 


Should I Tip a Massage Therapist?

Although traditional massage therapists in a spa setting depend heavily upon tips from clients, BeYu llc Integrative Bodywork for Women is a medical intervention and considered a part of the medical field. Therefore, I am not expecting or depending on tips from clients. My rates reflect a medical rate that covers my professional expenses as well as a living wage. Tips are not a part of the BeYu llc experience.

Should You Feel Soreness or Pain During a Massage? (Not a question for Pediatric Massage)

While it's not always true that a massage must be painful to be effective, pain during a massage isn't a sure sign that the massage is helping. In fact, pain can cause muscles to seize up, making it harder for your massage therapist to ease tense areas.

Certain techniques, like trigger point therapy, usually cause soreness. Correcting a soft tissue problem (such as adhesions, tight attachments, and trigger points) can also cause some discomfort. However, if you don't have a soft tissue condition, a massage shouldn't cause soreness or pain.

Open communication with your massage therapist is key to a massage that meets your needs. If you have an injury or chronically tight or painful areas, be sure that your therapist is aware of it before the start of the session. If the pressure is too intense, tell your massage therapist immediately so he or she can ease up.

How Much Clothing Should You Remove for a Massage? (All pediatric massage will be fully clothed with a parent or legal guardian in the room at all times)

Typically, you should undress to your level of comfort, whatever that may be. Many people prefer to keep their underwear on during a massage, while others prefer to be nude. It's up to you. Women usually remove their bras to allow the massage therapist to work on the back and shoulder area without getting massage oil or lotion on the bra.

If your problem area is your low back, hips, buttocks, or groin,  I am able to work through the material. I have no preference.  Should you choose to remove your underwear, I will ensure that you are always properly covered by a sheet or towel.

I will leave the room so that you can remove your clothing and lie on the massage table under the top sheet. You shouldn't worry that I will walk in on you, I will knock and ask if you are ready before entering the massage room.


What If You Feel Self-Conscious About Your Body?

Being self-conscious shouldn't keep you from seeking health care, whether it's visiting your doctor or seeing a massage therapist. A professional massage therapist will be non-judgmental and focused on your muscles and other soft tissue.

Still, some common concerns clients have are:

  • Having back acne- if you are having a severe outbreak, I will avoid the area or find an alternate way of providing care that will not compromise your health and wellness.
  • Believing they are overweight
  • Thinking they have ugly feet
  • Being self-conscious about scars

You can request that the massage therapist avoid certain areas. 

If you didn't have time to shave your legs, not to worry. Whether or not there is hair on your leg is of no concern to your massage therapist.

Should You Make Conversation During the Massage?

Although some people prefer to talk throughout the massage, don't feel like you have to make conversation with the massage therapist. After all, you're having a treatment; you're not at a cocktail party. Many people close their eyes and try to relax. I take the cue from you.

Deep tissue massage and sports massage are just some of the types of massage that require more feedback. The massage therapist often works on deeper layers of muscle and will want to ensure that the pressure is comfortable.

Be sure to speak up during a massage if you:

  • Feel too hot or cold
  • Are in pain
  • Have any questions about the massage
  • Forgot to mention a health issue during the consultation

What If You Fall Asleep and Snore or Drool? (In the event of a pediatric massage, the massage will stop)

Falling asleep during a massage is very common. Many people go into a massage stressed and sleep-deprived and become so relaxed during the massage that they fall asleep on the massage table. Your therapist won't judge you if you snore during the massage.

When you wake up, you may notice a little drool on your face or on the massage table. It's common and has to do with your positioning on the massage table. You don't have to do anything about it, but you should feel free to ask for a tissue.

What If You Have to Go to the Bathroom During Your Massage?

Going to the bathroom before the massage begins is ideal, but if you need to urinate during the massage, be sure to let the massage therapist know. Holding it for the duration of the massage isn't comfortable or conducive to relaxing.

There is a robe that you can slip on to walk out to the restroom. 

What If You Get an Erection During Your Massage?

It's normal for men to sometimes get an erection during a non-sexual, therapeutic massage. There's no reason to be embarrassed if it happens to you. Gentle touch anywhere on the body can activate the body's parasympathetic nervous system, resulting in an erection. A professional massage therapist will understand that and simply ignore it. 

What If You Are Ticklish?

Let your massage therapist know if you're ticklish before your massage begins. Usually, firm, slow pressure (and avoiding certain spots) can keep you from feeling ticklish during a massage.

What If You Need to Pass Gas?

From a massage therapist's perspective, it is far better to pass gas during the massage (often a sign that you're relaxed) than to clench your gluteal muscles during the massage to hold it in. Passing gas during a massage is normal and nothing to feel embarrassed about. If you're really uncomfortable doing it, you can always excuse yourself to go to the bathroom.

How Do You Determine Whether a Massage Clinic Is Legit?

If you're trying a new clinic or spa, it's a good idea to call first and ask these questions:

  • Do you offer therapeutic massage? BeYu llc does.
  • Is the massage therapist certified or licensed? BeYu llc is a licensed facility with licensed massage therapist/s.
  • Do you require a health questionnaire of your clients? BeYu llc requires a health intake and update.   
  • You can also schedule a time to come in and check out the facility to see how you feel.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

It's an unfortunate reality that I even have to say this: Any form of sexual solicitation will be reported to the Cheyenne Police Department! Charges will be pressed. Text messages, phone numbers, and your identity will be shared publicly, on any form I decide to use. This is a licensed medical facility. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated!


An End Note

Whether you're a massage newbie or just have a specific question that you've been reluctant to ask, being observant can give you clues that may help answer certain questions. You can also ask, I would be happy to answer your questions so you can get the most out of your treatment.